What does it mean to be a stranger? A person like me. A person that does not belong within her family, ignored and the hypocrisy disgusts you and me. But even a stranger is noticed more. When I fail or make mistakes they are never there. Only simply when I have acquired higher achievements than them. A stranger is someone you do not know, someone you do not look at or have a conversation with. Why? I am that stranger. They make me dress the way they want, they make me act a certain way. They have become strangers to me, and I have always been a stranger to them. Those strangers whose straps on their Gucci bags inches closer to their neck every time they talk about me. Creating a noose in which they choke on to silence their vanity. So what does it mean to be a stranger, people like them. A person you have lost contact with, someone who has forgotten you exist they will not shake your hand or look your way. I have been called cold, I am sorry they made me that way. The wall was too high to climb, the brazen iron door would not open I am sorry it was forbidden. The wall was made of fire, it didn’t only burn you it burned me when I tried to get out, I am sorry. The most a stranger could say was hello to an empty mannequin that never looked her way. Cold lifeless eyes, a smile as frozen as ice, bland hugs and forced laughs. There is a difference between a stranger and me, they will be noticed and even have someone sneer at them or kick them away. But I have been pushed aside made invisible, yes that is what it means to be a stranger. A person like me, a nobody in their eyes and a joke in their minds. But I will fight, I will no longer hide this stranger will be noticed.