A Hypothesis on the Universe
Through Helical Motion
Tasha Baran
I intend to start with a disclaimer.
I am neither physicist nor a scientist of any sort. I am a college freshman turning sophomore when the Spring semester comes to an end.
My knowledge is limited, though I am eager to learn.
What I write here now, are thoughts that have passed through my mind in what I can only describe as a profound moment of clarity.
Though they may be wrong from the start, or even proven wrong through honest research and experimentation, I would still like to express them to my fullest capacity.
In a cold sweat (one might exaggerate), I had a sudden epiphany that froze me where I lay. My eyes unblinking and filled with amazed fascination at the thought that had suddenly crossed my mind.
A universal theory that explains light, expansion and contractions of the universe, and perhaps the motions of dimensions and time. (A sudden epiphany if you will, though its merit is left to be tested.)
I have been encouraged by several individuals in my life to share these thoughts and so I hope this does not prove to be wasteful, though I do not imagine the gaining of knowledge as wasteful by any degree.
Therefore, I hope this is taken seriously enough, to warrant more than idle fascination by peers, but also taken with a grain of salt, as it comes from an individual (myself) who has no experience in the matter of physics.
Firstly, I must define a term I will be using often.
The reason for doing so is that my definition is quite different from the recognized definition. This term from this point on is that of “Event Horizon”.
This has been recognized as a concept surrounding black holes, and that is the limit of my experience with it.
From this point on (yes that what intentional), I define it simply by its base terms, that is, “Event” a thing that happens especially one of importance, and “Horizon” the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet, and the limit of a person’s mental perception, experience, or interest.
In this regard, we will use both definitions of “Horizon” to fully express the idea which I wish to convey. NOT interchangeably but rather simultaneously, and further combined with the term “Event” for the purposes of my overall explanation.
I believe, that perhaps, the universe and all its macro and microcosmic dimensionality runs in a helical motion. Much like a spring, or for the people less inclined to visualization, a slinky.
I find it baffling that people view everything we face as if it were a flat plane.
Anyway, to my point, during my state of clarity I concluded that light waves move helically.
At the time, I thought it was a unique idea but as I write this I took the time and effort to investigate and it is not quite a unique conclusion. There are several articles that will pop up if you search for it.
The shorthand idea is that light waves when viewed from the side are like viewing a spring (or slinky) from the side. Better yet to express this idea is to hold said spring (or slinky) in front of a light source so that it may cast a shadow.
You will notice that as you rotate the desired helix of your choice, whether it be spring or slinky, the shadow moves much the same way that light waves are depicted.
Now this is fine and dandy in a longitudinal sense, but certain parties I’ve discussed the topic with insist that this does not explain transverse waves.
I believe it does.
Pick a point, any point on the helix of your choice, and proceed to rotate. You’ll notice that the desired point will arrive in different locations, that is, it is moving up and down, and left and right (which from a 2D perspective comes out to every space in-between absolute top and absolute bottom).
Knowing this, I believe transverse motion is relative. It requires a point of reference.
Now how is this important to my hypothesis?
I believe the universe itself moves in this same time of helical motion. Spiraling on a macrocosm (and microcosm) beyond the human ability to comprehend it. Truly, humanity fears infinity.
As we travel through this universal helix structure, every moment we pass thousands, millions, billions of event horizons (as I have defined them.)
Through time and through space, we are crossing an infinite threshold that is without boundary.
What causes this?
Motion itself. Interactions on a scale so vastly small that we cannot hope to perceive. It is the distance between 0 and 1. It is the whole of the universe within a grain of sand. That which is infinite, is by virtue of infinity, endlessly minuscule, and endlessly massive.
One might argue that we can find the boundary of the known universe. That seems rather contradictory though. “Known” universe, it and of itself, implies something unknown, ergo beyond our grasp.
There is a number of interactions happening in the universe equal to infinity multiplied by infinity to the infinite power.
Imagine for a moment if all these interactions ceased. Simply ceased. Atoms, would not interact, neurons would not fire. We would exist in a stasis of nothing, void of perception, consciousness, existence. We could not prove anything is real. We could not prove that we ourselves are real. Nothing is interacting. Period.
This is Zero.
The transition from Zero to One, is the most basic of event horizons. Wait just a moment, is there not an infinite number of decimals between Zero and One?
Yes, there is, every single one of those is its own event horizon, building up to the point of becoming One or if breaking down rather than building up, to the point of Zero.
Now what does this have to do with time?
Absolutely everything.
We know time is relative. Every action is measured in the amount of time it takes to get from point A to point B, though not necessarily consciously. Atoms interact with each other whether we observe them or not.
Can space not be relative? Perception of objects is relative. To a child a great dane is huge. To a grown adult, it’s large but they don’t perceive it to be larger than them.
Moving along the universal helical structure, we do not perceive as an adult would. It is far more massive then we can imagine. Yet any forces beyond our reach would see us (or rather our universe) as anything from, a child’s toy, to perhaps sure enough, a grain of sand.
We are passing through event horizons every imperceptible moment as long as motion is maintained. On a human scale event horizons are simply the actions we conduct. Anything from choosing to have breakfast or to make it to work on time. Between submitting a paper or not submitting a paper. Event horizons are everywhere and we are amateurs at wielding their power. We can shape the universe if we only looked more closely.
As we travel along the helix structure, the universe contracts and expands. Well why is that? Much like the spring (though in this case ideally the slinky) it can be pulled apart and pushed back together. As one side is pulled away from the other, though the helix gets longer (to the point of potentially becoming a straight line) the circumference tightens, collapsing on itself.
If you push it back together, it widens to the extent it is able to, under pressure.
This is comparable to light waves.
We know that as wave length increases energy decreases. One could say that as the universe contracts, and the distance between each peak and trough of the helix increases, the energy driving the universe slows down.
As the energy builds up under pressure the distance between the peaks and troughs decreases closing the gap. Much like a spring under pressure.
Basically the universe is constantly building up and releasing energy in a contraction/expansion duality.
Imagine bouncing from One to Zero, but just before crossing the event horizon of Zero, bouncing back up to One again. Perhaps reaching it, but never quite crossing it.
It is likely we do not want to cross that point of One. Imagine breaking that boundary. What would it entail?
Absolutely nothing. The boundary is already broken. Better still, it was never there. The boundary is nothing more than an event horizon. A point of reference with which we measure ourselves.
On the macrocosm and microcosm, everything that happens in the universe happens due to a universal state of interaction.
Newton was right on levels we cannot even fathom. Every action has a reaction. To deny a reaction by any method, would reduce us to the Zero state. To deny a reaction would stagnate us as a species and as a universe. However, we are terrified of crossing that event horizon that leads us to One for fear of what is on the other side. We can match it, but we fear to pass it.
Compared to the Universe we are microscopic. Beneath the notice of stars far beyond the reach of our crafts. That is still relative though. To an atom are we not incredibly massive?
To conclude we consistently bounce back and forth between One and Zero, never crossing, but always moving forward. Slowing down and speeding up and enjoying the passage of space and time around us. Learning, building, even destroying.
There is a story about a man who wanted to cross a mountain. Everyday enduring the harshness of the monolith which he wished to conquer. One day as he marched on, he turned around to see his progress. The mountain was far behind him.
We do not see the event horizons as we stand upon them, only as reference points of where we wish to go and where we have been. The universe is relative (to how much we wish to perceive)
Thank you for indulging in this paper.