For a young couple, moving in together is fun and exciting… for the most part. Not only do you get to live with your significant other, but you now live with all their stuff, personal hygiene, and all of their good or bad habits every, single day. This can make a huge difference, and either make or break you! They say you don’t truly know someone until you live with them, so we all must remember, like everything we do in our everyday life, we need balance and the ability to compromise.
For all you slobs out there, it’s time for you to wipe your ass and learn some new personal habits! Yep, that means you have to wash your dirty clothes, fold or hang them and put them away. No, they can’t sleep with you on your bed after a wash anymore. You no longer need to feel lonely and use them to cuddle with, you have your partner now! Studies show, it is true, dishes will not wash themselves. Wash and store your dishes, you never know when your mother might drop by, or even worse, your future or current mother-in-law. There must be a lot of compromise when it comes to bathroom space. Whether you’re an under or an over type of toilet paper person, or a bottom or middle of the tube of toothpaste folk, you are no longer the only one using that space. Now for all you ladies that have regular makeup, hair, or body rituals, if you’re not using any of your products, put them away. Some men don’t understand the significance of that $20 lipstick or that $40 highlighter that makes your skin glow all day, and might foolishly mess it up. And for all you men that don’t want to sleep in the dog house, don’t forget to put the seat down!! Trust me when I say, your funeral will be planned the very next day. Change is good, and unless you’re married to Suzanne Britt, author of “Neat People Versus Sloppy People”, I guarantee, when referring to a sloppy person, you will not hear many other people say, “Someday is their métier”(1).
Like Yin and Yang, if there’s a sloppy slob we can’t forget the germophobe of the two. I do agree with Suzanne Britt as she claims, “Neat people don’t care about process. They like results”(1). You have to remember your home is your comfort zone. Yes, you can sit in your living room! It’s not just to look at. It’s okay to not make your bed on those lazy Sunday afternoons. No, you don’t have to bleach everything or cover it in plastic wrap. Fumigating your house everyday with heavy disinfectants will make your house difficult to stand. Pretty much the same or maybe even worse than walking through the Macy’s perfume aisle. Items are replaceable, and there’s no need to stress over scrubbing each tile with a tooth-brush or shaving your dog bald to avoid fur. It’s great to be clean, but if you’re not comfortable in your own home, you might need to relax a bit.
There will be plenty of little, unnecessary disputes, from not knowing what to eat, to who took up all of the blanket last night. To avoid another little dispute, get organized! Get a monthly planner, this will avoid the problematic, “I told you so” when it comes to important dates. Get a shoe rack! This can save your life from tripping over a pair of shoes, to what feels like your near death four feet from the ground. Assign chores. No one wants to feel like they’re in this responsibility alone. Make sure you separate and know which drawers are yours. Unless you are, or have a guy, that can rock a skirt, then go for it.
With a balance you can create a calmer household and can make living with your partner a joy rather than an inconvenience. You’ll live and learn from the other, and might discover what you like and dislike about the other, or even yourself. Change can be good and is probably necessary for allowing someone else into your own personal space. If my advice fails, I am not Alexandria Valdez in Mrs. Walker’s English V02 class.