A dot in the noise
Seen through the shadow of a cloud
I know where it goes
Memory paints the picture I want to see
It happens that everything reflected is upside down
Standing on my head
I see the world as it was meant to be seen
Not just for me
But for all
The light diminishes as clouds roll in
Ripples where the land meets the sea
Uniformity, Harmonizing
The sky and sea
I see
But will be there if I look away
Or does the role reverse
And I drown in a sea of dirt and rock
Suffocated by the harshness of nature
But brought back by its beauty
For if it were a woman
I would cup the mountains as if the breasts
And squeeze my body into the valleys and plains and all the rest
To dip my feet in the oceans blue
And to touch my lips to the flowers bloom
But light can break free
If only for just a moment
But a moment is all I need
But a moment to make me believe
I trust the sun to rise each day
To have the moon spin round our way
To never leave for we are one
And if I am one, then you are two
And just a little space
Me from you.